Programs and Services


Kabushiki Kaisha Curtis Herron offers a variety of services, including the following training programs.


Standards Of Global Corporate Conduct

Standards Of Global Corporate Conduct

This program identifies the standards (requirements, measures, and trends) governing global corporate conduct. These standards are identified through examination of several sources: industry practices, NGO activities, corporate governance requirements, etc. These standards provide companies with guidelines for identifying risks and aligning the various components of the organization. This program can be modified to address company circumstances and audience needs.

Executive Management

Executive Management

This program provides executives with competence in leading their organization and interfacing with its diverse stakeholders. This program is conducted as a workshop in which executives apply specific strategies and company values in response to a series of realistic and difficult scenarios.


Human Resources Management

Human Resources Management

This program provides managers with the awareness, skills, and confidence needed to manage a diverse workforce. Managers conduct a series of rigorous role plays in which they address the problems of various subordinates. As a result, managers develop the competence needed to perform the management role in a global organization.

Management Principles

Management Principles

This program provides managers with an accurate understanding of the management role within a diverse global organization. This role is examined in the context of global standards, company strategies and risks, and employee motivation strategies. Managers apply these concepts through a series of case studies, ensuring an accurate and practical understanding of the management role.

Workplace Discrimination Issues And Strategies

Workplace Discrimination Issues And Strategies

Global companies manage diverse human resources dispersed across several geographic regions. In this global workplace, local practices, individual bias, and cultural and linguistic gaps often lead to discrimination problems. Management – limited by its own culture and experiences – is often unprepared to identify and respond to these problems.

This program provides an accurate awareness of the discrimination risk in the global workplace. The program reviews the strategies for identifying and addressing this risk. The program also demonstrates how these strategies are implemented through corporate systems.


The Principled Employee

The Principled Employee

This program provides employees with an awareness of the standards, trends, and challenges facing the company. As a result, employees understand the strategies and values driving company systems. Employees also recognize that their interests and company interests are compatible. The program provides employees with tools to perform their roles and address matters in a manner consistent with these interests.

Standards Of Global Corporate Communications

Standards Of Global Corporate Communications

This program clarifies the standards of communication in the global workplace. These standards are identified by examining the needs of and obstacles faced by global organizations. Trainees conduct role plays in which they respond to stereotype, raise ethical concerns, etc. As a result, trainees recognize their own cultural biases and align their communications with the needs of the organization.